Our services are right sized for what you need, ad hoc, part-time, fixed monthly fee, per project – you name it we can be flexible and design a service for your business needs.
Book Keeping

Coding, accounts payable / debtors, accounts receivable / creditors, payroll, paye, GST returns, journals, expenses, batch processing, cashflow forecasting, general reporting – you name it we can help.
We can also help you shift from your paper based, or your PC based finance and payroll systems to the cloud – setup, configure, migrate and get you running.
Xero Finance, Xero Payroll, MYOB Finance, MYOB Payroll, iPayroll, Thank you Payroll and many other great software products
Annual Reports
Preparing Annual Reports is a busy and stressful time of year. We can help with financial reporting including writing summaries and supporting dialogue.
We can assist you with input into design and layout, provide advice on messaging and provide review services.
If you need help designing your report from scratch or a great infographic to tell your financial story we can also engage the services of our OptimalBI team.

Financial Reporting

There are critical times of year your business needs additional support with financial reporting, or you don’t have time to prepare financial reports for your board and shareholders. We can help you with both standard reporting from your financial and/or payroll system, or with custom reports to answer specific questions.
Financial reporting insight can shed a whole new light on your business performance – so let us help you get started.
NGO Support
We love working with NGO’s supporting their social impact missions and operating models. Alongside our other services the OptimalPeople team is experienced in providing cost effective support for not-for-profits across a range of services, acknowledging the very special nature of these organisations and their challenges.
Recruitment Support
From writing position descriptions to advertising, candidate vetting, interview support to reference checking, we can help you navigate the recruitment journey for Trustees or any role within your organisation.
Governance Structure Support
Help you put a fit-for-purpose governance structure into place; support for establishing memorandums of understanding between parties involved, contract management, meeting structures, policies and procedures and much, much more.
Project Management and Support
For your smaller projects that don’t need a full-time project manager, projects where your NGO is collaborating with other parties, that require reporting to philanthropic providers or just to help you keep on top of a collection of activities.